Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

The "Are You Happy" Quiz - Oprah.com

It might seem a little, shall we say, mood-ring era to suggest taking a happiness quiz. Many people, however, "are so used to being unhappy that they barely notice it." Using the latest research, I have devised an emotional checkup based on the theory that happiness develops from a number of internal qualities, including courage, love, humor, altruism, and a sense of freedom and purpose. This quiz will guide you in the right direction for finding your happiness.

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/The-Are-You-Happy-Quiz#ixzz1pF43hOOZ

2 komentar:

  1. hmmmmm.... berani ga ya liat jawabannya hihihi

  2. hayu dicoba aja
    setelah ada jawaban, ntar ada kok artikel buat solusinya
