Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Kemdag: Kenaikan BBM Tidak Pengaruhi Harga Bahan Pokok - Yahoo! News Indonesia
heraaan , gimana cara mikirnya ya
aneh bin ajaib

Kemdag: Kenaikan BBM Tidak Pengaruhi Harga Bahan Pokok

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kementerian Perdagangan menyatakan rencana pemerintah untuk menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak pada 1 April 2012 tidak akan banyak berpengaruh pada harga kebutuhan pokok di dalam negeri.

"Rencana kenaikan harga BBM tidak akan banyak berpengaruh terhadap harga-harga kebutuhan pokok. Harga sembilan bahan pokok akan relatif stabil," kata Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Kementerian Perdagangan, Gunaryo di Jakarta, Jumat.

Gunaryo mengatakan bahwa memang akan ada sedikit pengaruh dari sektor transportasi. Namun tidak dapat disamakan karena tiap-tiap komoditi jelas berbeda.

"Seperti beras dari Jawa Barat ke Cipinang memang akan terpengaruh biaya angkut, namun setelah dilakukan perhitungan, hanya akan terpengaruh sekitar 0,33 persen untuk tiap kilogram," tambah Gunaryo.

Gunaryo menambahkan bahwa akhir bulan April hingga awal Mei merupakan masa panen. Dengan demikian meskipun ada pengaruh dari biaya transportasi, harga beras tidak akan naik, namun juga harapkan harga beras tidak akan turun.

Berdasarkan data Kementerian Perdagangan, harga rata-rata beras umum pada bulan Februari 2012, tercatat Rp10.520 per kilogram sementara rata-rata pada minggu keempat bulan Maret 2012 turun menjadi Rp10.362 per kilogram.

Sementara untuk harga beras termurah pada Februari lalu tercatat Rp8.390 per kilogram dan rata-rata minggu keempat bulan Maret turun menjadi Rp8.260 per kilogram atau sebesar 0,03 persen.

"Untuk kenaikan harga beras yang terjadi pada akhir Februari lalu karena keterbatasan suplai yang tidak terlalu mencukupi," kata Gunaryo.

Untuk harga daging ayam, harga rata-rata pada bulan Februari tercatat Rp26.603 per kilogram, dan harga rata-rata minggu keempat bulan Maret turun menjadi Rp24.052 per kilogram atau sebesar 1,24 persen.

Gunaryo mengatakan bahwa kenaikan harga BBM akan berpengaruh pada komoditi seperti minyak goreng curah sebesar lima persen, dan untuk komoditi lain dibawah dua persen.

Untuk harga rata-rata minyak goreng kemasan pada Februari, Rp13.078 per kilogram, sementara harga rata-rata pada minggu keempat bulan Maret naik menjadi Rp13.080 per kilogram atau sebesar 0,05 persen.

Sementara harga rata-rata minyak goreng curah pada Februari, Rp11.074 per kilogram, dan harga rata-rata pada minggu keempat bulan Maret naik menjadi Rp11.310 per kilogram atau naik sebesar 1,84 persen.

Kenaikan paling tinggi untuk cabai rawit dan cabai merah, untuk harga rata-rata cabai rawit pada Februari tercatat Rp19.600 per kilogram, dan harga rata-rata pada minggu keempat bulan Maret naik sebesar 10,03 persen atau menjadi Rp27.373 per kilogram.

Sementara untuk cabai merah, harga rata-rata pada bulan Februari tercatat Rp21.079 per kilogram dan naik sebesar 5,15 persen pada minggu keempat bulan Maret menjadi Rp25.375 per kilogram.

"Meskipun harga BBM tetap atau bahkan turun, untuk cabai rawit dan cabai merah pasti akan mengalami kenaikan," kata Gunaryo. (rr)

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012


tumbenan iseng banget, saat sarapan pagi tadi, Raihan buka-buka tumpukan majalah
dan sampul majalah ini memang cukup provokatif, membuat dia bertanya
"ini maksudnya apa ma ?"

mengabaikan gambarnya saya jawab, "itu maksudnya merger Nak..."

bukan Raihan kalau tidak bertanya lebih lanjut, "merger itu apa ?"

tadi pagi cuma saya jawab, " merger itu menggabungkan dua perusahaan supaya jadi lebih besar"

biar ngga kesalahan, pagi ini saya ubek-ubek wikipedia, dan hasilnya adalah :

Merger adalah proses difusi atau penggabungan dua perseroan dengan salah satu diantaranya tetap berdiri dengan nama perseroannya sementara yang lain lenyap dengan segala nama dan kekayaannya dimasukan dalam perseroan yang tetap berdiri tersebut.

Alexandra Asmasoebrata

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Allida Alexandra Nurluthvia
lebih dikenal sebagai Alexandra Asmasoebrata atau biasa dipanggil Andra
(lahir di Jakarta, 23 Mei1988; umur 23 tahun)
adalah satu-satunya pembalap perempuan Indonesia
di kelas gokart maupun mobil formula.

kalo aja saat ini aku udah segede dia, aku mau pacarin Ma....
enak kan kalo jalan-jalan ada yang nyetirin mobil

iiihhh, dasar, ngga boleh begitu atuh
kamu kan cowok, mesti kamu yg nyetir

maksud aku, bisa gantian Ma....

What is Your Story? ------------------- If you don't like your story, make up a new story. Tell a story that makes you feel happy inside. Focus on one joyous moment, tell that story.

  Think a Bigger Thought --------- When you catch yourself in a small thought, an unkind thought, uplift it and think a bigger thought. Think a kinder thought. See the same thing in a bigger light. See yourself bigger, more, most amazing closer to the truth of who you are

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Vintage Essay

Dear Readers:

At times you may wonder how people withstand what they are going through in life. Seeing others experience suffering causes you to reflect on how blessed your life may really be. Many people are “in pain” emotionally, mentally, socially, spiritually, and/or physically and manage not to show it. In remembering this fact, the saying: “There but for the grace of God go I,” is a good way to bring it all into perspective. At times, my plate is full of concerns and issues that I deal with in life, and at other times I am not as busy or preoccupied. When I have a moment to reflect on what someone else may be experiencing, I find that I become more compassionate as I relate to where they are coming from in life. Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes truly does enable you to become more caring and understanding.

One of my goals this year is not to jump to conclusions or pre-judge anyone. If I feel like not talking to someone or not listening to someone’s problems, I try to remind myself that I may be in similar circumstances myself in the future. Then, how would I feel if no one listened or even tried to understand what I was telling them? I would feel neglected and marginalized at best. At the worst, I would feel discounted or not worthy of their personal attention – in a word, dehumanized.

It is important to treat everyone with respect. If we model that behavior it will come back around to serve us. As you give respect you will receive it. Many perfectly capable people request special considerations because they feel that they have “earned” those privileges. In reality, they have not but are just asking for more because they can. Others who are truly in need soldier through and never request assistance. Entitlement is not an active word in their vocabulary.

I admire people who cause you to take a second look because of something they have not done. For example,

1) They do not request an exemption to the rules.

2) They do not look for pity.

3) They focus on others rather than themselves.

4) They give before they get.

5) They refrain from complaining.

6) They press on even when not feeling 100%.

7) They seldom talk about themselves, but rather ask you how you are doing. 

8)They also inquire about persons significant to you.

9) They model positive behavior. And,

10) They acknowledge a Higher Power.

So, given the characteristics of those who walk the talk, isn’t it time you ask yourself if you are on the pain free program? Take the above ten step prescription and check your results in a week!


Be Your Very Best Always,
Judy Williamson

Do not expect something for nothing. Be willing to give an equivalent value for all that you desire, and include in your plans a definite provision for doing so. – Napoleon Hill

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012


Pak Mario, rezeki itu khan sudah ada yang mengatur.
Untuk apa kita bekerja capek-capek kalau rezekinya memang sudah diatur kecil.

Super sekali!

Memang rezeki itu sudah ada yang mengatur, yaitu Tuhan.

Ada rezeki untuk orang malas, ada rezeki untuk orang rajin.

Ada rezeki untuk orang yang hanya menunggu, ada rezeki untuk orang yang menjemput.

Ada rezeki untuk orang yang mengeluh, dan ada rezeki untuk orang yang bersyukur.

Dan sesungguhnya, rezeki itu hanya untuk orang jujur.

Untuk pencuri dan koruptor, banyaknya uang curian mereka bukanlah rezeki, tapi besarnya ukuran hukuman yang pasti dikenakan atas mereka.

Aturan Tuhan sangat tepat, dan tidak mungkin meleset.

Rezeki sudah ada yang mengatur. Kita tinggal patuh dalam kejujuran dan kerja keras.

Mario Teguh - Loving you all as always


Bukan cinta jika mudah putus asa.

Cinta adalah sungai keindahan rasa,
yang selalu menemukan jalur aliran baru jika ia terhalangi.

Cinta tak mampu putus harapan.

Mario Teguh - Loving you all as always

You Are Perfection ------------------------- The perfect you inside of you is already here. You don't have to do anything to "get" happiness. You don't have to change anything to "feel" happiness. You are a perfect being. Your soul, your spirit, your essence is already in perfection.

Assalamu'laikum ada yang bisa saya bantu ------- gaya baru Pandu saat jawab telpon

Senam SKJ 88

senam yuk
supaya badan sehat dan bugar

Senam SKJ 88 - YouTube
kangeeeeeeen sama senam ini

gerakannya sederhana, tapi Insya Allah bikin badan sehat dan bugar

Misteri Biaya Alfa Dalam Kenaikan Harga Bensin | Newsroom Blog - Yahoo! News Indonesia
Misteri Biaya Alfa Dalam Kenaikan Harga Bensin
oleh Herry Gunawan

Rencana pemerintah menaikkan harga bensin sudah seperti tayangan opera sabun. Partai politik — baik mendukung maupun menolak — tampil garang. Sementara itu, pemerintah tampil melankolis. “Terimalah kenaikan harga ini, sungguh kami tidak diuntungkan...”

Bahwa kenaikan harga bensin harus dilakukan karena beban anggaran sudah begitu berat, kita semua sudah tahu. Bahwa rencana ini sudah berimbas langsung ke masyarakat lapisan bawah, juga sudah kita tahu. Begitu pula penimbunan bensin yang dilakukan pihak yang berharap untung dari selisih harga lama dan baru.

Ketika harga bensin benar-benar naik pada 1 April nanti, bisa dipastikan dampak nyata akan dirasakan masyarakat. Mereka makin dalam merogoh kocek. Sementara, pemerintah merasa masalah sudah selesai dengan rencana memberikan santunan tunai.

Namun ada hal lebih penting yang perlu dijelaskan mengapa harga bensin harus naik. Bukan sekadar akibat kenaikan harga minyak mentah di pasar internasional. Tapi juga perlu dipaparkan komposisi harga bensin yang dikatakan jadi beban pemerintah itu.

Jangan-jangan ada yang tambun di tengah penderitaan warga.

Selama ini, komposisi yang digunakan adalah harga produksi dasar yang dipengaruhi oleh harga minyak mentah internasional. Pemerintah menetapkan harga pasti dalam APBN, yang saat ini sebesar $ 105 per barel. Kemudian ditambah pajak sebesar 15 persen, plus biaya alfa: ongkos distribusi dan keuntungan.

Dengan subsidi bensin Rp 104 triliun dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) Perubahan untuk 40 juta kiloliter atau 40 miliar liter, maka subsidi per liternya sebesar Rp 2.600. Sementara ongkos produksi (harga dasar) dengan patokan patokan yang baru sebesar Rp 5.947 per liter – dari rasio patokan harga per barel terhadap 158,9 liter (1 barel).

Dengan asumsi ini, maka harga tanpa subsidi semestinya adalah Rp 8.547 per liter. Jika bensin akan dijual seharga Rp 6.000, maka biaya alfa plus pajak adalah Rp 2.547 per liter atau 30 persen.

Nah, karena pajak sudah ditetapkan sebesar 15 persen, berarti biaya alfa juga 15 persen. Di sinilah masalahnya: pemerintah selalu menyebut biaya alfa ada di kisaran 10 persen. Lalu ke mana selisih 5 persennya? Ini setara Rp 5,2 triliun, lho.

Ke mana biaya ini?

Pemerintah harus menjelaskan soal ini lebih detail kepada publik agar tidak menimbulkan prasangka tidak baik. Jangan sampai, upaya pemerintah mengurus kesejahteraan warganya malah dicurigai menguntungkan pihak-pihak tertentu.

Apalagi, kalau mau mengacu pada contoh di negara maju seperti Amerika, jelas biaya kita jauh lebih mahal. Pemerintah Amerika secara terbuka memperlihatkan komponen biaya harga bahan bakarnya di situs resmi: Energy Information Administration.

Di situ disebutkan, komponen harga per galon terdiri atas distribusi dan pemasaran atau alfa (6 persen), biaya dasar dari kilang (6 persen), dan pajaknya (12 persen). Berarti biaya alpha plus pajak 24 persen, sementara di Indonesia dengan asumsi harga tadi, mencapai 30 persen. Nah, jangan-jangan selisih ini merupakan inefisiensi.

Tapi mungkin saja ada komponen biaya lain yang tidak pernah disampaikan pemerintah. Di sinilah pentingnya membuka secara transparan, termasuk apakah benar komponen alfa seperti yang selama ini disebut yaitu sebesar 10 persen.

Jangan sampai ada kecurigaan yang tidak sehat.

Herry Gunawan adalah mantan wartawan dan konsultan, kini sebagai penulis dan pendiri situs inspiratif:

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Happiness Quotes We Love

Looking for a lift? These words on happiness are sure to brighten your mood.

Read more:

  • "Happiness depends upon ourselves." —Aristotle

  • "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." —Mahatma Gandhi

  • "The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us." —Ashley Montagu

  • "Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it." —Jaques Prevert

  • "One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats." —Iris Murdoch

  • "The only joy in the world is to begin." —Cesare Pavese

  • "It is only possible to live happily ever after on a daily basis." —Margaret Bonanno

  • "The pleasure which we most rarely experience gives us greatest delight." —Epictetus

  • "Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life." — Marcus Aurelius

  • "I wake up every morning with a great desire to live joyfully." — Anna Howard Shaw

Awakening Joy

Is joy the privilege of naturally happy people, a fleeting feeling, or something that can be created at will? Meditation instructor James Baraz attempted an experiment with a smile.

It came as no surprise to a woman we'll call Joan when, after 16 years of marriage, she and her husband started discussing the possibility of divorce. Deep down she'd never believed that her marriage, or any marriage, could be genuinely happy. Still, the reality was crushing. "I was desperate," she says. "I thought, 'I'd do anything to feel better.'"

How about singing every day, making lists of things that made her happy, and getting a "joy buddy"?

Those are among the suggestions given in Awakening Joy, a class taught by James Baraz, a meditation instructor and founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California. A series of exercises, lectures, and meditations stretched over ten months, Awakening Joy is designed to bring more happiness to people's lives.

Like some participants, Joan, who heard about the program while attending a meditation retreat at Spirit Rock, initially balked at the idea of singing. "I thought James wanted me to join a choir," she says, "but I took it on faith that the singing was going to work." So she started trilling along with the
Hairspray soundtrack while driving. "It seemed ridiculous, but that's what initially helped me the most."

"The course uses practices that lead the mind toward states of happiness and well-being," says Baraz. "In other words, it teaches you to focus on how it feels to feel good." The first and most important step, he says, is intention: making the decision to be happy. Robert Holden, PhD, author of
Happiness Now! Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good Fast and director of the Happiness Project in the United Kingdom, agrees that this is key. "'Intention' is another word for 'focus.' Whatever you focus on will become more apparent and will grow. For centuries, optimists and pessimists have argued over who's right, and the answer is they both are; each sees what they're looking for. If you focus on happiness, that's what you become more aware of."

Once participants have made up their minds to be happier, Baraz gives them the tools, delivered in lectures to the live class he teaches in Berkeley and in twice-monthly e-mails sent to participants in other areas, that teach them how to cultivate a positive state of mind. Among them:
  • writing what the word "joy" means to you
  • doing some form of physical movement, such as yoga, dance, or walking, a few times a week
  • making a "nourishment list" of activities you enjoy, checking off those you do regularly and circling the ones that could be done more often
  • checking in with your "joy buddy," a kind of running partner in the pursuit of happiness.
"That's important," says Holden. "One of the major blocks to happiness is a sense of isolation. If you're alive, you need help."

There are also guided meditations, including instructions on how to be mindful—being present for whatever you're doing and, as Baraz says, "simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different." For Joan, that turned out to be a bigger challenge than singing—especially when her husband suggested that they begin the separation process. "Awakening Joy isn't about being a happy little do bee," she says. "You're taught that when feelings arise, no matter what they are, you stay with them. When my husband said we should contact a mediator, I cried years of tears. But by accepting those painful feelings, I had a watershed moment: I realized that I really wanted this marriage." Rather than assuming divorce was inevitable, Joan started to see other possibilities. "From that day to this, it's been a whole different experience," she says. "My husband and I are still together, and in a way that I honestly didn't think was possible."

For Baraz, the best testimonials come from former skeptics; he admits that he himself wouldn't be the best case study. "I've always been a relatively joyful, celebratory kind of person," he says. He found his spiritual path in Buddhism, but when his studies became very serious, so did he. "Then I realized that the Buddha was called the Happy One, and he said, 'Go for the highest happiness.' That became the focus of my teaching." (Baraz points out that one needn't be a Buddhist, or of any particular faith, to reap the benefits of Awakening Joy. "Ministers, rabbis, and secular experts have successfully used these basic principles," he says.)

The idea for the course began eight years ago, when Baraz's wife, Jane, gave him a book called How We Choose to Be Happy, by Rick Foster and Greg Hicks. "The instructions made a lot of sense, but they didn't have a spiritual dimension," Baraz says. "So I added that and presented it as a series of talks with my weekly meditation group for about three months to see what would happen." The results: "We got happier and happier!"

Baraz then turned Awakening Joy into a six-month class and found that participants maintained a positive attitude even after it ended (as long as they practiced the exercises; as with diets or working out, continuity is essential). Word of mouth about the course that could make people happier began to spread: The first round of Awakening Joy meetings consisted of about 40 members. The next numbered 100; the next, 200, and then 500. It went international when its members began e-mailing their monthly homework assignments from the lectures to friends. Baraz was thrilled to receive messages from strangers in Europe, Africa, and New Zealand. "It works!" they wrote. Apparently, you didn't have to be there to get the joy.

Nor do you have to be the type who can deftly turn a frown upside down. "I'm the person who walks into a nicely designed room and notices only that the painting was hung too high," says Gretchen, age 56. In addition to being a "serious" woman from a depressive family, Gretchen also found herself in chronic pain after sustaining a back injury. "It was horrible," she recalls. "Medication made me sick. I felt guilty about not being able to work, and I thought people were judging me." Though a specialist was able to alleviate some of her physical discomfort, Gretchen fell into a deep depression.

She heard about Awakening Joy after taking Baraz's meditation classes at Spirit Rock. "The first thing I was hit by was the instruction to notice what it feels like when you're happy," she says. "I loved the walks I took to help my back, but before, I just plodded down the street, not noticing anything. Now I'm aware of how I feel when I'm walking, which enhances my enjoyment." Writing lists of things she's grateful for was also a big help. "A lot of my seriousness has lifted," she says. "I have a lighter heart. I still have chronic pain, but I know there's a lot to feel good about."

Baraz is writing a book about Awakening Joy and the people who now routinely roll up the windows in their cars so they can sing as loudly as they want to. "More than 2,000 people have tested it, so it's not some airy-fairy idea," he says. "I've learned that it's possible to change, no matter what your history or the limiting beliefs you've held on to. If you have the intention to be happy and you do the practices, if you give it your best shot and are very patient, it works."

We're all so used to thinking that we'll finally be content when we find the perfect partner, lose weight, or get our dream job. Is it really possible to become happier just by deciding you can? "We use the language of having, getting, and chasing to describe happiness, rather than being," says Holden. "What we've learned about happiness is that it isn't an
it or a thing. Research has proven that there is no one set of circumstances that makes someone happy; it's more about having a healthy mental attitude toward whatever you're experiencing. So, you can either chase happiness or you can choose to be happy. It really is that simple."

Visit for more details about upcoming courses.

From the January 2008 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine.

Tricks of the Happiness Trade

We've all got little homegrown tricks for cheering ourselves up. O finds out why they actually work.

I've succumbed to full-blown depression just once, and the only good that came of it was learning that I never wanted to experience anything like it again. So I started collecting little mood-boosting tricks—not cure-alls for clinical depression but small, helpful ways to pull myself back from the edge. After polling friends and colleagues, I discovered that many of them had stumbled upon the same techniques, and they gave me a few new ones, too. Science is beginning to explain why they actually work, which means that these days I don't feel completely ridiculous when I'm in my car and someone catches me belting out a Beatles song.

Trick #1: "I rent a bunch of stand-up comedy DVDs."

The Science: A smile, even a forced one, can improve your mood. In a widely confirmed study, psychologist Fritz Strack, PhD, and his colleagues at the University of Mannheim in Germany had participants view a cartoon while gripping a pen either between their teeth (to simulate a smile) or between puckered lips. The first group found the cartoons funnier, supporting the theory of "facial feedback"—the idea that facial expressions can stimulate emotion. A Fairleigh Dickinson University study showed that laughing brightens mood even more than smiling. (Don't like stand-up? Here are 5 movies that will lift your spirits)

Trick #2: "I go for a run."

The Science: Research has consistently shown that exercise can significantly impact depression and improve overall mood. A 1999 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that exercise could be as effective as medication. Scientists aren't exactly sure why it works so well: because it relieves stress, acts as a distraction, stimulates production of neurotransmitters (including endorphins—which have painkilling properties and can bring feelings of euphoria—as well as serotonin and dopamine), or all of the above.

Trick #3: "I try to commit acts of kindness."

The Science: Volunteering at a hospital or shelter, tutoring a budding reader, and even donating clothes to Goodwill facilitate a "helper's high." The benefits of altruism are most apparent when there's person-to-person contact. Allan Luks, author of The Healing Power of Doing Good, has found that simply recalling a charitable act brings back the same, albeit less intense, good mood.

Trick #4: "I listen to Madonna, sing loudly, and dance around the living room."

The Science: A number of studies suggest that listening to music stimulates the brain to release endorphins. Recent research at the University of Manchester in England showed that listening to loud music activates a part of the inner ear called the saccule, which is connected to an area of the brain responsible for drives like hunger, sex, and pleasure seeking.

Trick #5: "I buy bright red tulips."

The Science: A 2001 Rutgers University study on the mood-lifting effect of flowers showed that 72 percent of seniors who received one or two bouquets over a six-month period were happier than they had been. In a separate study, flowers evoked a stronger response than other gifts.

Here are five more everyday activities that can make your mood go from bad to good!

Trick #6: "I hang out with friends."

The Science:: Numerous studies have documented the benefits of social support, while others have shown that isolation can lead to depression. According to a study at the University of Michigan, even more important than social support is a sense of belonging: Connecting with and confiding in close friends can allay despair.

Trick #7: "I snuggle the dog."

The Science: Two studies published in 1999 showed that both AIDS patients and senior citizens benefit from having pets; those with animals were less likely to suffer from depression than those without. An earlier study showed that pet owners were also at decreased risk of heart disease.

Trick #8: "I make like a cat—I find a patch of sunlight streaming through the window, curl up, and fall asleep in the warmth."

The Science: A common cause of depression is seasonal affective disorder (SAD), in which lack of sunlight increases the production of melatonin, a hormone that affects sleep patterns and mood. Some therapists believe that even people not affected by SAD can reap the rewards of sunshine—one study of depressed pregnant women showed that a daily dose of bright light for three weeks had a beneficial effect.

Trick #9: "I change the landscape."

The Science: Perhaps it's the calming properties of the ocean or a starry sky, or the way a new setting can take you out of yourself and provide a sense of perspective. Although scientific research is scarce, a good number of people mentioned that a change of scenery, especially one that gets you back to nature, is an instant head clearer.

The "Are You Happy" Quiz -
It might seem a little, shall we say, mood-ring era to suggest taking a happiness quiz. Many people, however, "are so used to being unhappy that they barely notice it." Using the latest research, I have devised an emotional checkup based on the theory that happiness develops from a number of internal qualities, including courage, love, humor, altruism, and a sense of freedom and purpose. This quiz will guide you in the right direction for finding your happiness.

Read more:

The How Are You, Really, Checkup

sumber :

Scattered? Paralyzed? Approaching meltdown? Maybe you don't need two months in the Caribbean—maybe you just need to diagnose what's going on with you. Sean Elder helps you play doctor.

What does it mean to restore yourself? We're not talking about quick-fix de-stressers—the chocolate, the remote, the tub. We're not even talking about stress per se but rather the need to come home to your self, to refresh and revive. That might mean reclaiming your focus, gaining calm confidence, or pulling yourself out of a well-worn rut.

To help you identify what's making you feel less than a hundred percent—either occasionally or chronically—we called on four fresh thinkers: "cowboy therapist" Wyatt Webb (It's Not About the Horse), psychotherapist Mira Kirshenbaum (The Emotional Energy Factor), psychologist Jay Carter (Nasty People), and performance psychologist Jim Loehr (The Power of Full Engagement, with Tony Schwartz), who spent over 20 years training professional athletes and now teaches winning strategies to corporate clients at LGE Performance Systems in Orlando.

For each of the five conditions that follow, our experts suggest practical, realistic changes—in both your habits and thinking—that can put you in peak form.


Symptoms: You can't seem to focus. You're irritable, and you have trouble finishing what you start.

Cause: Information/obligation overload.

Remedy: Do one thing at a time; develop energizing habits.

With only so many hours in a day, a lot of us try to take on everything at once. A while back, I was interviewing a television network executive when he asked if I would mind if he answered his e-mail while we talked. I did mind—and it was further evidence of just how hard it can be to give anything your undivided attention. Yet there's a high price to pay for perpetual distraction: You not only feel frazzled but you accomplish less.

That's because multitasking is the enemy of engagement, Jim Loehr says—and engagement is what makes for peak performance. "Great leaders, the richest friends you have—these are very engaged people," he says. "They're not spaced-out. They're completely with you, here and now. It's what I call the Mr. Rogers syndrome." Your kids may not have been able to tell you why they liked Mr. Rogers so much, but one thing is certain: Mr. Rogers never multitasked. The real-world rule may be: It's okay to do two things at once, as long as you don't need to do either of them particularly well.

Not surprisingly, Loehr, who has worked with speed skater Dan Jansen and tennis champ Monica Seles, believes everyone benefits from exercise. More unexpected is his belief that the mental commitment to an energy-enhancing routine can be as helpful as the physical activity itself. "You tell me you're impatient, you're tired, and you have very little tolerance for frustration?" Loehr says. "It's amazing how creating a ritual as basic as getting regular exercise, or even setting a date night and making a big deal out of it, can change your life."


Symptoms: You're plagued by uncertainty over just about everything.

Cause: Fear and its ugly sisters, anger and guilt.

Remedy: Uncover the source of your fear.

There's an old myth that Eskimos have a hundred words for snow. By that logic, we could use as many synonyms for fear. If we dig deep enough, we can often find some variant of that emotion.

In his three-day Equine Experience class at Arizona's Miraval resort, Wyatt Webb's students get to know and trust a horse—and perhaps more challenging, get the animal to trust them. "The horse is an emotional mirror," he says. If you're unclear in your intentions, "the horse will feel the tightness in your body and won't cooperate." Clients gain insight into how their mental uncertainty arises from fear and how that affects them physically. "Most of us are cut off from our bodies," Webb says. "We don't usually listen to them until we're in massive pain." Those not in proximity to a stable need to listen on their own. "One of the things I do, because I've been conditioned to respond to my fear by getting angry," he writes in his book, "is to start with my anger and trace it backward."

Fear seems to be about the future—what might happen—but it's frequently based on something in your past. Mira Kirshenbaum believes people freeze up because of long-ago traumas or immature mistakes. Sometimes the most loving thing we can do for ourselves is to tune out our own soap opera. "You can stop making such a big deal of the fact that your mother was mean to you or the fact that the one person you really loved walked out on you ten years ago," she writes.

Kirshenbaum sounds like a Nike ad when it comes to dealing with paralysis. "Nothing destroys emotional energy like a backlog of unmade decisions," she says. "Make any choice. It doesn't have to be the biggest decision weighing on you. Decide what you're going to eat tonight. Then decide whether you're going to buy that shirt or not. Then decide about your future." In other words, just do it.


Symptoms: You're stressed to the brink of hysteria.

Cause: Suppressed emotional trauma.

Remedy: Dig down under the surface.

As anyone who has experienced road rage—on either the venting or receiving end—can tell you, a lot of us are thisclose to losing it. And seldom is the cause actually the ice cream truck in front of you.

"So many people are overwhelmed," Webb says. "But rarely is what's going on at that moment overwhelming. Something has triggered the panic, brought up emotional history. They've postponed dealing with an issue that's been hanging over their heads for 20 or 30 years."

Oh, that! People who take Webb's course often uncover some fairly traumatic memory, and the same is true for Loehr's clients. They come to him for stress management but wind up bumping into the Big Secret they're hiding from. "You really have to pull the whole thing up almost by force," Loehr says, "but when you start uncovering it, it's not going to be a huge surprise."

Webb likes to remind people when they're freaking that if they admit they're not facing a man-eating predator, "they'd realize their fear is out of proportion to the current event." Simply recognizing that you're on emotional overload—not under attack from a man-eating predator—calms you.


Symptoms: You feel unworthy and inept, unequal to the tasks before you.

Cause: Someone who constantly chips away at your self-esteem.

Remedy: Defuse the "invalidator."

"Hell is other people," Jean-Paul Sartre observed. Whether he was feeling particularly dyspeptic that day or had just been to a dreadful dinner party, history does not record. But perhaps he'd have enjoyed talking to Jay Carter.

Carter has spent much of his career helping people deal with what he calls invalidators—the relatives, lovers, bosses, and so-called friends who put us down or intimidate us. Like any good philosopher, Carter knows that the real problems—and solutions—lie within. "You can't change the other person," he says. "You can only change yourself, and you can also change the relationship. Sometimes when you change the relationship, the other person changes."

If you can't simply walk away from the invalidator, Carter has a few techniques worth a shot. Confronting your antagonist is one option—and you don't have to be all that aggressive. "A long pause or a knowing smile, resting your chin in your hand or leaning forward slightly, can let her know she'd better not mess with you," he writes in Nasty People. Or you can refuse to play along with hardball tactics. If your husband says, "Choose between your career and me," try saying, "I'm not choosing." The choice then becomes his, and the game is over.

The most surprising technique that Carter touts is nurturing the other person. This is best used in a nonintimate relationship that neither of you can avoid—say, with a hostile coworker or a querulous in-law. Show affinity, he advises, acknowledge the other person's feelings, and find something to admire. "It's the very thing you don't feel like doing," Carter says, but studies show abusive people were usually abused or neglected themselves. Sometimes they soak up any sign of caring. "It goes against the grain, but it does work." You need to use this approach judiciously, though. While it's okay to nurture, you don't want to reward bad behavior.


Symptoms: You feel just plain empty.

Cause: No sense of meaning.

Remedy: Add connection and purpose. Repeat when necessary.

There's a joke about a man who gives up everything—wife, kids, work—to seek the meaning of life. He travels the world, tries every religion and experience, and is finally directed to a lonely peak in Nepal where a wise yogi holds the secret. He climbs the peak and, near death, asks the master, "What is the meaning of life?"

"Life," replies the yogi, "is a rope."

The guy blinks, thinks—and finally explodes. "You mean I gave up everything in the world to hear that life is a rope?"

After a pause, the yogi says, "You mean life is not a rope?"

What makes that joke funny to me is not only the seeker's frustration but the tenuousness of the yogi's answer. Whatever metaphor you choose (rope, fountain, roller coaster), life needs meaning. And no one can give it that but you.

Kirshenbaum finds it crucial to make time for something transcendent. She and her husband both love classical music, and they decided to listen to every composition by every major composer in chronological order just for the joy of it. "I don't know how to say this more clearly," she writes in Emotional Energy: "Figure out what for you is the beautiful and the sublime, and make it your mission to turn that into a major part of your life."

For Loehr, life is about purpose. What he saw in great athletes was that their almost superhuman efforts were guided by a clear goal—winning the ring, the gold, the title. "What are the things you want to be extraordinary at?" Loehr asks. "What's going to define real success for you?" When you know that, you can begin to craft a mission.

Sean Elder's essay "The Lock Box" appears in The Bastard on the Couch (Morrow).

ya ampun...., belanja pake BUY NOW ribet amat ya, mana ngga ada nomer buat konfirmasi, pengen bali ini euy .....

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012


anak-anak sukaaa sekali permainan ini
alasannya, buat belajar jadi pebisnis Ma...., halah
padahal Mas Raihan bercita-cita jadi dosen dan De Pandu ingin jadi ABRI

sebetulnya kebersamaan bareng mama-nya yang mereka cari

padahal mereka juga sudah tau, mamanya ngga akan pernah beli komplek apapun itu, mulai dari A sampai H
yang diincer selalu
1. perusahaan air dan perusahaan listrik punya dua perusahaan ini, tiap pemain lain lewat dan apes berhenti, dapet 75ribu, ha ha ha
2. 4 buah pemberhentian : stasiun - pelabuhan, bandara dan terminal  punya keempatnya, tiap ada pemain mampir, dapet 20ribu, ha ha ha lagi cepet kaya kan.....

dan yang Pandu incer adalah Afiiiikaaaa...., begitu dia bilang, maksudnya Afriiikaaa, komplek H + hotel

yang sukses kemarin sore membuat Raihan bangkrut dan menyudahi permainan dengan alasan, mau main bola dulu, he he he

perkedel kentang

kentangnya terlalu halus, gara-gara lihat di iklan menghaluskan kentangnya pake food processor
padahal kentang yang saya pakai kentang rebus, untung ada food ball, jadi perkedelnya bisa bulat dan tidak hancur

irisan daun bawang
daging giling

bumbu halus
bawang merah
bawang putih
lada halus / ladaku

minyak untuk menggoreng

rebus kentang
campur dengan bumbu halus
tambahkan telur, aduk rata
goreng dan siap dihidangkan

ayam bakar

ayam bakar kesukaan anak-anak

ayam ukuran 0,7 dibelah 4

bumbu halus :
bawang merah
bawang putih
gula merah

bahan lainnya :
daun salam

haluskan bumbu, ungkep ayam dengan bumbu halus
tambahkan kecap, daun salam, serai dan langkuas yang sudah digeprek

ungkep dengan api kecil, sampai bumbu meresap
bakar sampai harum
siap dihidangkan

pepes oncom

pepes oncom request aki, jangan pedas ya Teh

oncom merah
daun bawang
daun sledri
daun salam
daun pisang untuk membungkus

bumbu halus :
bawang merah
bawang putih
cabe, sesuai selera
minyak untuk menumis

haluskan bumbu
iris daun bawang dan sledri
hancurkan oncom
wortel dikupas, cuci, lalu diserut

tumis bumbu halus sampai harum
tambahkan oncom, wortel, daun bawang dan sledri
aduk sampai matang

siapkan daun, alasi dengan selembar daun salam, satu batang serai, tiga sendok makan oncom

bungkus dan bakar sampai harum

siap dihidangkan

mampir di kompleks G, bayar berapa? 2400, ah recehan..., hehe jangan marah dong *monopoli part 2*

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

derita ktp

ktp dan bank memang berhubungan erat, eraaaat sekali

derita pertama
saat menandatangani ktp, duluuu sekali, pas membubuhkan titik di tandatangan saya, eehh mendadak tintanya bleber
sehingga tandatangan saya menjadi tidak semestinya
dan ini sungguh menyiksa setiap saya harus mengganti buku tabungan di bank yang capek antri itu

derita kedua
2001, saat kembali ke Bogor, saya ganti ktp sesuai domisili baru
aahhh...., kebetulan nih, jadi tanda tangan saya bisa sesuai dengan semestinya, sekalian buka rekening baru aja, begitu saya pikir
apa mau dikata, saat ktp baru sudah jadi, entah inspirasi dari mana
ktp baru itu, ditandatangan lalu dilaminating oleh abahnya anak-anak
waduuuh, kenapa juga mesti ditandatanganin ya
jadi setiap saya mau tandatangan sesuatu, mesti nyontek dari ktp
aaahhhh...nasib, akhirnya terbiasa juga dengan tandatangan baru ini

derita ketiga
saat masa berlaku ktp habis, saya membuat ktp di kecamatan
sayangnya saat itu, antrian begitu panjang
sehingga, ktp saya baru bisa diambil keesokan harinya
jadi saya meminta tolong pada suami, supaya menyuruh siapa aja untuk mengambilkan ktp saya di kecamatan
disertai wanti-wanti, jangan ditandatanganin ya Mas.....
bener sih..., ktp-nya tidak ditandatangangin
tapi............, sebelum saya tandatangan, kenapa dilaminating sih ?
jadi ktp saya blank tanpa tanda tangan
ngelus dada deh.....
seminggu lalu, saat saya mau mengganti buku tabungan di bank cape antri itu
customer service nya meneliti ktp saya
"tanda tangannya di luar ktp ya Bu...? maaf tidak bisa diproses...."
"jadi saya mesti menunggu sampai 2014, saat ganti KTP untuk bisa ganti buku ?"

dan semalam, perlahan-lahan saya kuliti plastik KTP saya
Alhamdulillah berhasil

besok mau cuti aja ah, mau ganti buku
sekalian bikin tabungan baru, di bank yang lain, yang ngga cape antri

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

salut sama peserta dadakan rangking 1 pagi ini, seorang nenek dari cirebon


syahdan seorang anak mendadak rungsing, bete...bawaan keseel dan ngambek
setelah melalui proses dialog, ternyata anak ini rindu bermain monopoli bersama mamanya
dan malam ini...., janji itu ditagihnya

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Kata-kata Bijak Dalam Film Kungfu Panda

1. "There is no secret ingredients, The secret is in you"
(jawaban sang ayah ketika Po bertanya kepada ayahnya, apa rahasia yg membuat setiap orang menyukai mie buatan ayahnya, sang ayah menjawab: tidak ada resep rahasia, semuanya ada pada dirimu sendiri)

Maksud yang tertuang
Tidak ada kriteria tertentu untuk menjadi hebat, tidak perlu banyak persyaratan untuk menjadi lebih baik, tidak ada rahasia apapun yang membuat seseorang menjadi besar, berdoa dan lakukan usaha yang terbaik, maka siapapun bisa menjadi apa yang mereka banggakan!!

2. "Yesterday is History, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it’s called a present"
(Kata-kata Bijak master oogway kepada Po, ketika Po merasa dirinya tak berguna)

Maksud yang tertuang
Kemarin adalah sejarah, besok adalah misteri, hari ini adalah anugerah, pengalaman yang telah lalu biarlah berlalu, jadikan pelajaran untuk bisa berbuat lebih baik dan jangan cemaskan hari esok, tak usah berharap untuk berlari mengejar hari esok yang penuh misteri, lakukan yang terbaik hari ini karena hari/saat ini merupakan anugerah.

3. "The Real Warrior never quit”
(canda Master Syifu kepada Po, disela-sela mengajari Po kungfu)

Maksud yang tertuang
Pejuang sejati tidak mengenal kata menyerah, jika ingin berhasil dalam hal apapun, kita harus punya mental kuat dan sikap pantang menyerah.

4. "You Have to believe, Just believe"
(kata kata Master Oogway untuk meyakinkan Master Shifu bahwa dibalik kelemahan PO terdapat kekuatan hebat)

Maksud yang tertuang
Jika tidak percaya, maka hal apapun tidak akan terjadi, percaya terlebih dahulu dan teguhkan niat sebelum membuat semuanya terjadi.

5. "The secret to be special is you have to believe you're special"
(Po hampir putus asa karena tidak mampu memecahkan rahasia Kitab Naga, yang hanya berupa lembaran kosong)

Wejangan dari ayahnya-lah yang akhirnya membuatnya kembali bersemangat dan memandang positif dirinya sendiri. Kalau kita berpikir diri kita adalah spesial, unik, berharga kita pun akan punya daya dorong untuk melakukan hal-hal yang spesial. Kita akan menjadi orang bisa, kalau kita berpikir kita hanya orang bisa saja. Seperti kata Master Oogway, You just need to believe!

6. "Hidup memang penuh kepahitan, tapi jangan biarkan kepahitan tinggal dalam hatimu"
Setelah dikhianati oleh Tai Lung, Shi Fu tidak pernah lagi menunjukkan kebanggaan dan kasih sayang pada murid-muridnya. Sisi terburuk dari kepahitan adalah kita tidak bisa merasakan kasih sayang dan tidak bisa berbagi kasih sayang.

7. "Keluarga sangatlah penting"
Di saat merasa terpuruk, Po disambut hangat oleh sang ayah. Berkat ayahnya pula Po dapat memecahkan rahasia Kitab Naga dan menjadi Pendekar nomor satu. Sudahkah kita memberi dukungan pada anggota keluarga kita?

tulisan Raihan

seneng lihatnya, tulisan anak laki-laki umur 11

tunduh pisan, padahal kerjaan banyak beneeer

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Selain BBM, Jero Wacik Lansir TDL Naik Tahun Ini - Yahoo!

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Jero Wacik menyatakan, kenaikan tarif dasar listrik akan dilakukan secara bertahap sepanjang 2012.

"Yang pasti, kenaikan TDL tidak akan berbarengan dengan kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi," kata Jero Wacik di Kementerian Keuangan, Jakarta, Jumat (2/3).

Menurut Jero, pada akhir Februari lalu, pemerintah sudah menyerahkan draft APBN Perubahan 2012. Dalam draft tersebut terdapat usul kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi dan TDL. "Khusus untuk kenaikan TDL akan diundur penerapannya dari rencana semula pada April 2012. Sekarang masih dipertimbangkan," kata Jero.

Kenaikan TDL sebesar 10 persen, lanjut Jero, akan dilakukan secara bertahap, yakni sebanyak tiga kali sepanjang 2012. "Kami mengusulkan kepada DPR agar kenaikan TDL ini dilakukan secara bertahap, agar tidak terlalu memberatkan masyarakat," kata Jero.

Jero menambahkan pemerintah mengusulkan TDL naik sekitar tiga persen per periode selama satu tahun. Saat ini elum ada penjelasan secara teknis mengenai kenaikan TDL karena masih menunggu keputusan DPR.

double job

akhirnya....itu jarum di timbangan mau juga bergeser ke kiri
yaah...., memang double job itu cukup menguras energi

selain cape, ada juga sisi senangnya
rasanya lebih ringan untuk melangkah
ya iyalah.....kan sehari-harinya mesti gerak cepat
apalagi pagi hari
berapa kali bolak-balik kayaknya sama aja dengan jalan pagi
belum lagi mata ngga jauh-jauh melirik jarum jam yang rasanya kok cepat sekali berpindah angka

semua ada hikmahnya kan....
yang penting hepi aja menjalaninya
apalagi ada bonusnya....., jarum timbangan tadi, dengan sukarela bergeser ke kiri, Alhamdulillah