Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

We're Sorry, Restaurant City is going offline - Playfish/EA Community
hiiikksss.........., sedih deh

We're Sorry, Restaurant City is going offline
We want to inform everyone in our community that on June 29, 2012, EA will retire Restaurant City on Facebook and Restaurant City: Gourmet Edition on iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Both games will no longer be available for play. The decision to retire older games is never easy, as the development teams and operational staff pour their hearts into these games almost as much as the customers playing them.

We realize this may be disappointing to fans of Restaurant City, but in order to focus our efforts in developing new and exciting titles, as well as bringing new content and updates to our existing popular games, the time has come to retire Restaurant City and Restaurant City: Gourmet Edition.

As a farewell gift, all players of Restaurant City and Restaurant City: Gourmet Edition will receive 1,000 simoleons in The Sims Social. This free gift is available now and can be claimed by clicking here. The Sims Social, one of the most unpredictable social games that allows players to experiment and play with life, is available for play on Facebook at

Additionally, players of Restaurant City on Facebook who currently have a balance of Cooking Cash will automatically have their Cooking Cash converted to SimCash (the premium cash currency in The Sims Social) on June 29, 2012. Players must first install The Sims Social in order to complete the automatic currency transfer. Please see the FAQ for additional information on converting Cooking Cash to SimCash.

We’d like to thank all of our loyal players who have continued to play Restaurant City and Restaurant City: Gourmet Edition!

12 komentar:

  1. ini teh restoran naon, neng..?

  2. masyaallohhh...hahahaha..
    kirain beneraaann...dasar Ririiiiiii...ampun deh..:))
    emak-emak ya teteuubb... kwkwkwkwk

  3. hehehe...tapi sedihnya beneran
    rada yellow mellow nih hari ini

    kebayang keilangan sama RC ini, hiksss

  4. hihihi..parah nih..
    emang ga ada game lain?

  5. ntar coba cari yang ngga kebanyakan notifikasi Ay
    kalo yang berkebun itu, notif melulu...., hehehe

    any suggest Ay ?

  6. mo pake energy apa ga? masak"an jg?
    the sims, flower shop, gourmet ranch, cafe life, tea for friend.....
    game k2 yg d non aktif tahun 2012....
    kmrnnya baking life skrg RC

  7. energy mainnya dimana Mbak ?
    mau dong

    kayaknya menarik juga tuh gourmet ranch, cafe life dan tea for friend

  8. energy maksudnya klo maen itu dy ada energy nya jd, tiap 1 aksi pake 1 energi...
    gourmet ranch maen masak" tp ada kebun nya...dy memperbesar resto ma kebun nya...

  9. oo begitu....

    mantep juga kayaknya ya
    mainnya dimana Mbak ? di FB kah ?

  10. ooo begitu, nanti saya coba cari deh game-nya
    thanks informasinya ya Mbak
