Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

It is always safe to talk about others as long as you speak of their good qualities

It is always safe to talk about others as long as you speak of their good qualities.

The old adage, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all,” is especially valid today. In any organization, regardless of size, the rumor mill works overtime when it comes to negative gossip.

And you can be sure that unkind things you say about others will very quickly find their way to them, for it is also a truism that those who talk about others to us talk about us to others.

Not only should you not speak badly of others — you should not participate in conversations in which others do. Spend your time with those who focus on important things, and you will never have to apologize for an unkind word uttered in a moment of weakness.

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12 komentar:

  1. If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all ---> setujuh!!!


  2. Sama Mbak, saya juga setuju ^____^

  3. emh..
    stuju juga
    *bari buka paririmbon:D*

  4. Bicara yg baik2 aja ^^
    *buka halaman slanjutnya*

  5. mbak correct me yah
    i want to talk a topic, about he/she did without saying the name (e.g : mr . b or fulan or fulanah)
    meanwhile sometime i got angry with this topic coz i dissagree with the topic
    the aim?
    we learn from this topic, this is not good
    but when someone discover the name, i rather to close the discusion becuse it will change to ghibah by mentioning the name :)

  6. Muhun Teh Ayu, saya juga setuju... ^___^

  7. Betul Han, yuk kita buka halaman berikut

  8. Iya sih Mbak Indri, kadang suka ada aja yang want to know siapa sih yang dimaksud

    Padahal yang di-sharing topiknya, bukan orangnya

    Kembali ke diri kita aja Mbak, sesuai dengan tujuan semula sharing

    Barusa juga saya tulis blog,“masih kepikiran” without mention their name
    karena toh yang saya tulis memang keadaan yang real terjadi saat ini

  9. iya mbak
    malah saya seringnya kemudian saya hapus karena kemudian ada yang mnebak nebak sebuah nama karena etika untuk mengambil ibroh itu kan tidak boleh enyebutkan nama. dan tujuannya bukan untuk membuka aib orang. lain halnya jika jelas disebutkan namanya benar2 membuka aib orang

    syukran ya mbak sharingnya

  10. kalimatnya g eyd nih, bingung pake laptop adik g pakai mouse ketikannya lompat2 :D
